Cultural Holiday in Scotland

A British student come to Scotland for his studies, but also in order to discover the culture of the country. He discuss with his Scottish’s friend, a women who lives here and explains to him the different aspects of the Scottish culture.

-          Hi Petra !

-          Hi John ! How are you ?  I hope you enjoy of your cultural holiday in Scotland .. What have you visited ?

-          Well, a lot of countries such as Glasgow where i´ve gone to the famous “Kelvingrove Art Gallery Museum

 I took many pictures. It’s the best Museum in Glasgow with the most popular paintings, Dali’s Christ of St John of the Cross .  I’m attracted by this  huge civic art gallery, full of visitors everyday. Moreover, the enter is free so, I can go there anytime.

-          Yes I know.. I love this museum it is my favourite place when I want to revitalize myself. But, there is another Museum whose can interest you : the “ Scotland street School Museum “ , where the most famous man “Rennie Mackintosh” tells the story of education in Scotland from the 19th century to the late 20th century.

-           Thank you for this idea Petra! It’s seems to be a interesting museum , original because it’s about school, I will go there with my friends. I wanted to tell you one thing,  I’ve noticed that the way of life in Scotland is different of all others countries but above all, what is similar is the Cooking traditions : I discover the French influence is important and few many cooking terms are French-derived terms :

“ Ashet “ , “Cannel”, “Collop” (…) But i noticed that they eat and drink the same product than my country

The traditional Whisky                             The traditional Breakfast

But there are also cooking that formed the identity of the Scottish culture :

Scottish Haggis : I love it !

-          I love it too ! If I have enough time to show you the other aspects of our culture that you don’t have discover anymore ! See you soon

-          Thank you so much  Petra ! Bye!


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